Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Skeleton Furniture Crew.

He let fly a furious report.
A vulcanization of his chromosomes
The blueprints of his living room laid bare.
He decided Thursday was a good day.
And the woman with golden hands continues to fold time 
into pockets baked until crispy brown. 
It's as they say:
"Naked on the living room floor is the only way to dance."


  1. Yes. Nicely done poster, brother. The temperature is fantastic. I love the gradient on the spot blacks.

  2. Yeah thats part of a cool effect i just heard about. you take a red layer a cream colored layer and a blue layer overtop of a black and white image. you set the cream to multiply the red to screen and the blue to overlay and it gives all the different levels of grey a different color. try it out it looks cool with some tweaking.
