Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Both of these are 99% done. ok maybe 97 or 8 but they are really almost there. just need to tweak the type placement and all that good stuff. (oh yeah, i use professional lingo all the time) Any truly hardcore fans of mine (all 3 maybe 4 of you) may notice that i have DRASTICALLY changed the color scheme of the top poster. (see below for past versions) that was an idea of my professors that i am still not totally sold on. it doesn't look bad but i liked the monochromatic thing that was going on. at the end of the day she is the "art director" but i may go back and quickly do another version for myself. tell me world what do you think?


  1. Text on the second one is throwing me off. The image is also crooked. I'd make the "international" text smaller and center it. Also, just turn in two different versions of your island one.

  2. Joe, I really like the top one. I too disagree with you. While your older versions look great, I like the top one better because it put emphasis on the piano and the typography, which will help people identify what the poster is about faster. If you went with the older version, the colors would be similar and blend in together and everything would just mesh and the main info would just get lost into one big image. So thats my reasoning for why I like the top one.

  3. PURNIMA!!!! how are you!? wait ill just talk to you on facebook. . . . i ended up finishing and turning in both but alas neither of them won anything. they weren't what they were looking for in terms of mood and style. I changed the typeface and made the text smaller on both of them and i lost the ugly radioactive green on the island one. (the green was my professors idea and i still like it better when the whole thing was orange) you are right plus the top one is more my style (whatever that means) but yeah . . .
