SUPER_HYPER-UBER--NANOSIZED-ABRIDGED version of the ridiculously long original version of the story on the picture. here is an even shorter version:
1. first there was god
2. he was bored
3. he thought up the world, because he was bored, and there it was
4. he made people out of clay
5. they drowned
6. he made people out of corn and he stroked his own ego
7. they lived
8. like a hundred other pages about some twins playing soccer/basketball and the rest of the story doesn't really relate or matter
But yeah, mayan art is awesome. so awesome in fact that i have signed up for a ethnographic art history class (tribal art . . . i didnt make up that other name thats what it's called)
all of the parts of it are different mayan pictographs, the meanings of which vaguely tell the story, i could go into it but this post is long enough.